We Released Our First Showreel

Lights, camera, action: dive into the debut showreel from our creative team, showcasing our finest work and innovative vision.

We Released Our First Showreel - Clay

Clay has been around for almost 3 years now, but the same team has been together for a good 10 years under different names. We’ve had clients big and small, launched many products, and did at least 5 iterations of our own website.

The only thing we never had (but always wanted) was our own showreel.

Yes, we know it’s unusual for a digital product agency to make reels, but we always strive for more. Plus, we simply love visually stunning things.

We spent at least 1 year carving out time in between client projects, working long hours and weekends.

And now it’s here, our first reel. Watch it, like, and share!

About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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