Branding by Color: What Do Your Colors Say About Your Business?

Discover how the colors can significantly impact customer perceptions and emotions. Learn how to select the right colors that enhance your brand's identity and appeal to your target audience.

Branding by Color: What Do Your Colors Say About Your Business? - Clay

Why Is Brand Color Palette Important

The colors you choose for your brand will tell customers a lot about your business and brand personality. It might not seem like it, but the colors used in branding can change people's emotions. Designers can use specific colors to show brand personality traits and provoke certain emotions from customers.

Many brands can make you think about them by displaying their color palette without text. This is what strong branding and color choice can do. This level of brand recognition is hard to attain, but it is the goal of all businesses that want to grow and increase their success.

Colors And Their Qualities

How people perceive different colors can be subjective and can be impacted by culture and other factors. That is why you need to understand who your customers are, where they are from, etc. Before choosing the colors you want to use for your branding, you should test them to ensure they are the best choice for your target audience.

  • Blue – honesty, competence, trustworthiness, and reliability.
  • Red – Attractive, exciting, angry, and loving.
  • Green – Money, health, balance, and knowledge.
  • Purple – Royalty, respect, creativity, and mystery.
  • White – Purity, space, neutrality, and innocence.
  • Black – seriousness, sophistication, and intelligence.
  • Yellow – Happiness, youth, and adventure.

You need to research your target customers to ensure you make a good decision when choosing the branding colors. You can hire a branding design firm to help you make the correct choices if you need to know which ones to make.

Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash
Color palette

Choosing Colors for Business

Choosing the correct branding color is going to take a lot of work. Before doing this, you need to know what message you want to communicate to your customers. Once you know this, you can choose the color that helps provoke the right emotions in the them.

You need to understand your brand image and identity and how you want people to perceive your business. If you have yet to learn this, figure it out before moving on to anything else.

Color combinations you choose matter as well. One color may provoke a specific customer emotion, but combining two colors could change that. The more complementary colors which are added, the more complexity will increase. You will need to have a strong understanding of color psychology if you want to make the correct decision.

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash
Abstract colorful figures

Picking The Colors For Your Brand Identity

There are many ways to do it when picking brand colors. There are different ways to choose the right colors; they are all excellent methods you can use. This is because colors and the emotions they make people feel can be subjective.

Usually, a brand will have up to four primary colors in its branding. If you choose more, the design can look messy. This will give a wrong first impression to everyone who sees it. If you are having a hard time deciding, remember to keep the design simple.

The base color you choose needs to reflect the essential characteristic of your brand's identity. What do you want people to think about your brand? Answer this question first, selecting a color that matches your answer. This is the most critical color and will be present in all parts of your branding. You must ensure it looks good, and your target customers need to like it.

The accent color you choose needs to match the base color. These brand colors should complement each other. They will be used together in your branding. Accent colors need to reflect a characteristic of your brand identity, so don't choose any color that looks good. There should be a reason behind all of your choices.

Photo by 2H Media on Unsplash
A white cell-phone and a brochure with color palette

The neutral color will be used for the background of your branding and designs. This can be the background of your website. The neutral color is usually a hue of white or gray. If you choose a color like a dark blue or black, you must ensure it doesn't affect the other colors when they are all used together.

Before deciding on your brand colors, you need to test them. Get feedback from your target customers and make changes to the brand color palette if necessary. The various color schemes and combinations you choose need to be liked by your customers.

Common Mistakes in Color Branding

One of the most significant mistakes is not considering the target audience and their cultural backgrounds. For example, a company may use a bright red color in its branding, assuming that it will evoke excitement and energy in all cultures. However, in some Asian cultures, red can represent luck and prosperity rather than passion and urgency. This mistake can lead to confusion or even negative reactions from potential customers.

Another mistake is not researching the psychology behind colors and how they can impact consumer behavior. Each color has its own emotions and associations that could align or conflict with a brand's message. For instance, using yellow in a branding strategy is a great idea to convey positivity and happiness. However, it can also be associated with caution or deceit if not used correctly.

Incorporating yellow into your branding strategy is a good way to convey positivity and happiness.
Eight lemons on white-yellow background

Consistency is crucial when it comes to color branding. Inconsistency in using colors across various platforms can dilute a brand's message and make it less recognizable to customers. For example, suppose a company uses different shades of blue on its website and social media pages. This may create confusion among consumers and make establishing a clear brand identity challenging.

One solution to avoiding these mistakes is to conduct thorough research and gather feedback from diverse individuals before finalizing your brand colors. This can help ensure the chosen colors align with your target audience's preferences and cultural backgrounds. Understanding the psychology behind colors and how they can impact consumer behavior is also essential. Finally, consistency in color usage across all platforms should be maintained to establish a strong and recognizable brand identity.


Branding colors are essential, so you cannot choose any colors you want. It would help if you used color theory and psychology to make the correct decision. Your target customers need to like the brand color scheme you choose, and the color psychology needs to reflect your business's brand identity.

About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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About Clay

Clay is a UI/UX design & branding agency in San Francisco. We team up with startups and leading brands to create transformative digital experience. Clients: Facebook, Slack, Google, Amazon, Credit Karma, Zenefits, etc.

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